chihuahua long coat puppies | chihuahua breeder | litter trained chihuahua pups |  summer knight kennels



More Chihuahua Long Coat Pictures
These are some more pictures of our Chihuahua Family.

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to another one or a larger size.
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Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture
This is Anastasia with Kalyn. As you can see even furry children ignore you don't have treats.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture
This is Sunny just lazying around waiting for eveyone to catch up.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture
Pokey enjoying being such a big boy at 3lbs.
This is a picture of Daisy our Mastiff. Anastasia thinks of her as part of the furniture but Daisy doesn't seem to mind .

chihuahua long coat puppies | chihuahua breeder | litter trained chihuahua pups |  summer knight kennels

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chihuahua long coat puppies | chihuahua breeder | litter trained chihuahua pups |  summer knight kennels